tirsdag 6. januar 2009

"Into the wild" relationships

Page 16
McCandless was smallish with the hard, stringy physique itinerant laborer. There was something arresting about the youngster’s eyes. Dark and emotive, they suggested a trace of exotic blood in his heritage – Greek, maybe, or Chippewa- and conveyed a vulnerability that made Westerberg want to take the kid under his wing. He had the kind of sensitive good looks that women made big fuss over, Westerberg imagined.
Page 17McCandless stayed with Westerberg for three days, riding out with his crew each morning as the workers piloted their lumbering machines across the ocean of ripe and grain. Before McCandless and Westerberg went their separate ways, Westerberg told the young man to look him up in Carthage if he ever needed a job.

These two paragraphs show the connection and relationship between Alex and Westerberg. Alex is immediately drawn into the open arms of Westerberg because of his personality and interesting character. Alex’s determination and will to finish whatever he had started got to Westerberg and Westerberg’s kindness is well recognized by Alex. Their relationship seems very strong even though they didn’t spend a huge amount of time together.

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