tirsdag 31. mars 2009

Blogger Challenge

What difference has blogging made to your life at school and home e.g. how has it changed how you learn, the challenges of blogging and how teachers might make the process easier?

Blogging has been a new thing for me. I had never used blogger before going into my last year here at Sandvika VGS. Blogging has not made a very significant difference for me at home because I usually blog about assignments given at school or something related to school. I still try to blog about other stuff just to diversify the blog and make it more interesting, if I have something I feel like sharing I sometimes post it on my blog.

When it comes to school, we often get assignments or things we need to write on our blogs. I have three different blogs so there is plenty of blogging. The main difference it has made in school is variety throughout the day.  Instead of just being lectured or what it is the teacher is doing, we get to write independently and post our work on our own personal blogs. I think it is pretty cool and the blog can eventually look very nice!

I would say that it has made us work more independently on some specific tasks. We create something of our own which is fun and in some way rewarding. We can see that we have made something from scratch and are proud of it, and also by getting comments from other people from around the world.

Blogger challenges us to write well written articles because they are viewed by whoever wants to take a look.  I think blogger is a pretty good alternative for us students. Instead of handing in a paper every week, we can publish an article on our blog that eventually will become sort of a collection of all your work. If you need to use something you wrote, they will be right where you left them.

Link to challenge here!: http://theedublogger.edublogs.org/2009/03/27/the-student-blogging-challenge-celebration/#comment-3647

3 kommentarer:

Sue Waters sa...

Thanks Phil for entering the Student Blogging Competition. The posts being written by you and students from your class are excellent.

I was wondering. Can you tell me how long you have been blogging at school? Also how do you find having several blogs? Would you prefer that teachers organised it so that you used the same blog or do you find it works better for you with several blogs?

philip sa...

No problem! I'm happy to hear that you like the posts.

I was introduced to blogging at the beginning of this school year. So I would say since August-September. We only blogged a little at the beginning, but throughout the year we have been blogging more frequently.

I find that having several blogs can be difficult at times because I start to like one blog more than the other. But it’s ok to have more than one blog because that makes it more organized.
It would be nice to have one blog where you are doing all your stuff as long as it’s organized, but I have no problem keeping more than one.
It works out just fine.

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